Does your humidor need a humidifier


A humidor is an important part of any cigar smoker’s lifestyle. It keeps your cigars at the perfect humidity, which helps them last longer and taste better. However, if you’re not using a humidifier inside your humidor, then it could be causing problems with your cigars humidor humidifier.

A humidor keeps your cigars at the perfect humidity

The ideal humidity level for your cigars is between 65 and 70 percent. This means that the air in your humidor should be at least slightly moist, but not soaking wet. If you’re trying to keep a specific humidity level, aim for between 60 and 65 percent.

You can buy an electronic hygrometer (an electronic device that measures relative humidity) separately from your humidor or get it built into one of the many models available today—the best ones will read as high as 99% RH and low as 50%. The thing about these devices is that they don’t work unless they’re connected directly to moisture levels inside their casing; if there’s not enough moisture present, nothing will happen! So before investing any money on a new device: make sure all those pieces are working together properly!

The easiest way would be just buying another one without adding anything else at first since most people already know what kind of experience they want when buying things like this anyways so there wouldn’t really be much point spending more money than needed/needed versus something else which might serve better purpose overall…

Should you use a humidifier or a moisture source?

The question that seems to arise is, “Should I use a humidifier or moisture source?”

The answer is: It depends. If you’re storing cigars in a humidor, then yes, you should use one. But if you are storing your cigars in containers like cellophane bags or paperboard boxes, then no—there’s no need to add any additional humidity to the air around your sticks. In fact, using an artificial humidifier can actually cause damage to some cigars and even make them taste bad by adding too much watery flavor over time.

Humidifiers are designed specifically for this purpose; they add moisture (usually from distilled water) into the air surrounding the container where they’re placed so that it’s at least 60 percent relative humidity when opened up again after being closed up for long periods of time during storage periods such as holidays or vacations away from home

Using a moisturizing liquid inside the humidor

In addition to your humidifier, you can also add a humidifier solution that contains distilled water and glycerin. This will help prevent the wood from drying out and cracking as quickly.

You should refill this once every 2 weeks or so, depending on how often you use it. The easiest way is just opening up the lid of your humidor and pouring out what’s needed into an empty bottle before closing it back up again. You may need to do this more frequently if there isn’t enough room between cigars inside their individual plastic sleeves because they’re stacked closely together; but overall this shouldn’t be necessary unless they’re not being used regularly (for example: when one person needs more than one).

If there are any areas where air can get trapped inside due to dust build-up (like behind banded cigars), then wiping down these spaces with an old toothbrush can help remove any debris which would otherwise prevent proper airflow through them during use.”

Using an electric humidifier

  • You might think of humidifiers as a luxury, but they’re actually quite common. If you decide to invest in one, it’s important to know how they work and what benefits they have over traditional moisture sources.
  • Electric humidifiers are easier to use than manual ones: You just set the temperature and let them do their thing. They’re also more reliable because there aren’t any moving parts that can break down over time (like with a manual humidifier). This means that you won’t have to worry about having spare parts on hand or having someone come out and fix your unit should something go wrong with yours—and if anything does happen, it’ll be easy enough for someone else with basic knowledge about electrical repairs like me!


We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of keeping your humidor at the right humidity and why it’s important to use a humidifier. If you have any questions about what method is best for your humidor, please leave us a comment below!

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