4 Ways to Reduce the Germs in Your Home

As we approach upon cold and flu season, it becomes increasingly important to be doing all the preventive factors in your power to reduce the spread of germs in your home. Especially throughout the Covid pandemic, people now more than ever are starting to be more cognizant of the dangers of letting germs spread in their homes.

Using hand sanitizer and washing your hands more consistently is a great start, but they aren’t the only ways to stop the spread of germs. This flu season, we want you to feel more equipped than ever with the tools you need to prevent sickness in your family. This can be an overwhelming task, especially when the kids are constantly coming home with sticky fingers and snotty noses. It can be particularly difficult when living through a global pandemic, but it’s all more reason to take the time to learn some germ-reducing solutions to your daily routines. 

1. Use an Ultrasonic Humidifier 

Dry air is a breeding ground for germs in a home. This can be a problem in the colder months of the year or if you simply live in a part of the country with a drier climate. This is where using a humidifier ultrasonic comes into play. A 2013 study actually found that the increase of humidity in a room has the ability to reduce the spread of influenza germs.

The study reports that when a room’s humidity levels are less than 23%, influenza’s infectivity rate is between 70% to 77%. Whereas if the humidity in the room is above 43%, influenza’s infectvity rate is only about 14% to 22%. This is why utilizing an ultrasonic humidifier has a direct correlation to the prevalence of germ spreading. By taking the time to add humidity into a room, it can also help reduce bad coughs, congested sinus, and dry nasal passages. Humidifiers work to bring moisture and lubricate your sinus passages, along with breaking up tricky phlegm that is keeping you from breathing easily.

2. Clean the Surfaces in Your Home

The CDC recommends cleaning your home first before sanitizing and disinfecting. Cleaning surfaces is an essential part of the germ-reducing process. A clean home is the number one way to prevent the spread of germs. You can disinfect all you like, but if you are routinely living in grit and grime it can be difficult to do a thorough job of reducing the spread of germs. So first, start by keeping your spaces clean. For starters, wiping down hard surfaces such as countertops, toilet seats, and tables is important. Clearing clutter, changing linens, vacuuming floors, and removing settled dust and grime are a part of this process. Once, this initial cleaning step has been done, you can go a step further by taking a disinfectant wipe to the clean surfaces. Wiping down light switches, toys, electronics, and high-touch surfaces with a disinfectant are what’s included in this step.

3. Change Clothes When You Get Home

Germs are transferred from person to person, as well as from person to surface to person. This means that far too often the clothes we wear out are the things that hold germs. A good habit to start implementing is to take off your shoes when you get home. Another technique would be to change clothes when you get home after a long day. Still, others recommend wearing an outer garment such as a jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt that can protect your inner layer of clothes from the harsher elements. It also means when you get home there will be fewer clothes to shed, and you can simply take off your outer layer of clothes. Reducing germs may look as simple as not wearing your work or school clothes when laying in bed or on the couch at the end of the day.

4. Don’t Share Personal Items

This might go against everything you stand for in your family, but during cold and flu season it is truly best to make an effort to not share things. Especially in this Covid era, you are saving yourself a tremendous headache by not drinking after your family members, as Covid exposure can come up at any time. By marking the names on your children’s water bottles or lunch boxes, you have a little bit more control over keeping these exposures from spreading and becoming untraceable throughout your family. When in doubt, label things with tape and a permanent marker, and try to keep bags, utensils, toothpaste, food storage containers, car seats, and more to their own designated person.

Apart from this, if you want to know about Try These Items to Help Boost Your Room’s Aesthetic then please visit our Lifestyle category

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