How To Make Stairs In Minecraft? Everything You Need To Know

One of the most common problems with building large projects in Minecraft is how to make stairs to get from one level to another. While ladders may work for horizontal scaling, there are many cases where a vertical rise is needed as well.

Different ways to build simple staircases

In this tutorial I will present some different ways to build simple staircases out of normal material blocks. These may not be as natural looking as possible, but they should cover all basic needs for going up and down a level or two.

This method requires the least amount of resources and no special tools. The second way uses a combination of half steps and full steps that look more realistic, but need more materials and a shovel. This method may be better for larger projects, even though it is more work to build and less efficient in its use of resources. The third way uses just a few materials and no special tools to get the job done, but it also looks very unrealistic and relies on the player’s imagination. However, this project does not require any other material blocks beside what comes standard with the game.

Step 1: Without any tool

The first method is very simple and can be done without any tools or resources other than a single block of any type. Start by building a one-block wide platform. Make sure it is not too high up because it will start to look awkward if more than two steps are built this way. It should only have room for one step because anything bigger would look weird from behind if you plan to go up or down while looking at your staircase.

Next add stairs in front of the platform so that they lay flat against it. Be sure to leave the same amount of room on each side so that you still have access to walk up. Now you can just use this staircase as is or even use it as a decoration because it has no visible means for support.

One thing to remember when using this method for actual staircases is how your character places his next step. What looks good typically is not always what makes sense with physics in Minecraft, so try to place your steps where they would actually work best.

Step 2: One-block platform

The second way requires more resources than the first but is easier to build and looks much better. Start by making a one-block platform like before, but make sure it is very clean looking and well built. Then mark off the half step division with the division blocks, but only on one side for now.

Next make a staircase like before, but this time put division blocks in between each step as well as division blocks on the other side of the platform wall that is not yet divided. Be sure to leave one block’s width across from each section so that you can still walk up and down the steps.

Step 3: Place a single block

Now all you have to do is stand on top of your platform and place a single block at ground level against all of the division blocks. This will create broad half steps and broad full steps, which look much better than just stairs or just half steps.

This method looks a lot better than the first, but can still be improved by changing the color of the division blocks to match that of the staircase.

Step 4: More efficient,

If you use this method and decide that you want to make it more efficient, there are a few things you can do. First replace your half steps with stairs so that they leave one block for each step instead of none. Second, only use full steps at ground level and make sure all other grounds levels have stairs if they would normally have been divided otherwise. Third, replace your division blocks with walls or other decoration blocks because these just take away from what was originally a good idea.

Now make a second L shape with your block by placing it in front of your other one and flipping neither end. Then place another block on top of both L shapes, making sure they are even with each other because you don’t want to have three blocks sticking off either side.

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Other Steps:            

  • The next step is to build a rectangle into the structure that starts with another block like before, but this time it should be in front of your other one and flipped in the opposite direction. Then place two more blocks on top of both short sides of this new L shape. Now you will want to remove the middle wall piece because even though it looks good it takes away from what was originally a simple design and can make stairs harder to use.
  • Next add one block left and right against each stair step, making sure not to cover up too much of them or leave any gaps where players could get stuck. Finally put two blocks down behind every step so that they stick out just enough for players to know where to stop when using the stairs.
  • As you can see, even though this is much more difficult than the other method it looks better and works very well for your actual staircase. It also requires fewer materials to build because after building one stair step then placing two blocks down behind it you can simply copy that step over and over again. You will have to place each block once for this method whereas with the first method you would have needed to place every block twice.      
  • The next thing to do after getting done with your real staircase is decorating it, so go ahead and try things out! Be sure not to overdo it, but experiment with colors or even just dirt. If you are feeling adventurous use Redstone torches as lighting.


It’s great for players to travel up and down ladders, but they could be more aesthetic. In addition to taking up more space, stairs make your house look more attractive and are still extremely useful. Decorative chairs have even been created as a result of creative players. Stairs can be used for much more than just climbing and descending.

Apart from this, if you want to know about How To Make A Leash In Minecraft then please visit our Gaming category

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