How to Cook Rice With a Rice Cooker: Easy Steps for Perfect Results

Do you want to know how to cook rice with a rice cooker? It’s easier than you might think. The rice cooker does all the hard work for you, so you must follow a few simple steps and let your appliance take care of the rest. Cooked rice can be used in various dishes, whether as an accompaniment to beef fried in soy sauce or as part of something more complex, such as Japanese fried chicken and sushi rolls. Rice also makes a great side dish at dinner on nights when you’re feeling uninspired but don’t want to resort to ordering takeout again. Read on to discover how to cook rice with a rice cooker!

What You’ll Need

– A rice cooker – The key to cooking rice with a rice cooker is the rice cooker. If you don’t have a rice cooker, now is the time to invest; you can buy a rice cooker online in Australia. They’re inexpensive, widely available, and come in various shapes and sizes to suit all kitchens. – Rice – You’ll need some rice while we’re on ingredients. The best kinds of rice to use in a rice cooker are long grain white rice or long grain brown rice.

Short-grain rice can be used, but it tends to clump together, making it harder to cook in a rice cooker. – Water – You’ll also need some water. The best way to determine how much water to use is by measuring it in a cup. Once you’ve added the water to the rice cooker, you don’t want to add more. – Salt – Like other types of cooking, adding a pinch of salt to your rice while it’s cooking is a great way to enhance the flavor.

Cooking Rice with a Rice Cooker: Step by Step

– Measure – Take your measuring cup and fill it with the amount of rice you plan to cook. Note that the amount of water needed for the rice will be lower than the amount of water needed for the rice cooker. – Rinse – Next, drain the rice in a colander and rinse it under cold water to remove excess starch. – Add water – After rinsing the rice, measure out the correct amount of water for the rice and add it to the rice cooker. – Set the timer – To ensure you don’t forget that your rice needs to cook, set a timer for the appropriate amount of time according to the rice you have. For example, white rice cooks in 15 minutes, while brown rice takes 40 minutes. – Fluff – Finally, remove the rice cooker’s lid and use a wooden spoon or fork to fluff the rice so it’s not clumped together.

Tips for Cooking Rice With a Rice Cooker

– Use the right type of rice – As we mentioned, while short grain and long grain white rice are both suitable for the rice cooker, long grain brown rice is best when cooked in a pot. – Use the right amount of water – The right amount of water for your rice cooker will be displayed on the front of the appliance, but most often it’s 2 cups. – Avoid overfilling the rice cooker – Every rice cooker comes with a maximum fill line, but it’s a good idea to keep a close eye on your rice as it cooks, especially if you’re cooking brown rice. This is because it takes longer to cook than white rice and may need an extra 5 minutes in the cooker.

How to Cook Brown Rice in a Rice Cooker

You can switch between cooking white and brown rice with most rice cookers by pressing a button. If your rice cooker doesn’t have this function, however, there’s one more important thing to note when cooking brown rice: you’ll need to let it sit for 10 minutes after it’s finished cooking. This is because brown rice contains more fiber than white rice, which means that it needs more time to absorb the water and become fully cooked. When cooking brown rice in a rice cooker, add it to the liquid before pressing the button to begin cooking. This is because its fibrous texture prevents it from fully cooking if added afterwards.

How to Cook White Rice in a Rice Cooker

Cooking white rice in a rice cooker is even easier than cooking brown rice! Like with brown rice, you’ll need to add the rice to the water before pressing the start button. White rice is less fibrous than brown rice, so it cooks in the rice cooker in just 15 minutes.


Whether it’s a family dinner or date night, rice is a great go-to side dish that can be easily customized with different flavors and ingredients. To cook rice with a rice cooker, measure the rice and water and then rinse the rice and set a timer. Once the timer has gone off, remove the lid and fluff the rice with a fork to finish the cooking process. Enjoy your perfectly cooked rice!

Apart from this, if you want to know about The Sous Vide Cooking Method Explained then please visit our Home Improvement category

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