Garage Lighting: Some Best Exterior Garage Lighting Ideas

I’ve often heard people complain about having to leave the exterior light on overnight, as if it’s a needless extravagance. But, you know what? I will tell everyone right now: exterior garage lighting is absolutely essential! It saves lives. I’ll explain why.

Exterior Garage Lighting: Life-saving Potential

There are countless statistics and studies which prove that exterior garage lights save lives and prevent accidents. Some of them go even further than just showing evidence that they work; some show that exterior garage lights actually reduce crime rates.

See, there is a potential drawback for turning your garage lights on all night, and that is the potential to waste energy. Yes, it is true; lighting can account for about 20% of household electricity use (source), so if you are leaving your garage light(s) on 24/7 it might be considered wasteful.

The best strategy to save money beyond garage lights is to shop and compare plans based on your home’s particular use profile with Texas electricity suppliers.

Exterior Garage Lighting: Energy Savings

However, before you go unplugging them let’s look at how much energy exterior garage lights actually draw over time. It is unlikely that they will stay ‘on’ continuously during any particular night. They could be turned off until the moment someone needs to pull in or out of their driveway, and then left on for just a few minutes each time – thus saving considerable amounts of energy. Plus exterior garage lights don’t have to be ‘always on’ for safety.

If you want even more energy savings, these lights could be motion activated – a great idea which I would love to install if I had a bigger budget. And don’t forget that there are ways to save money and reduce your carbon footprint elsewhere.

For me it’s not about saving the environment – it’s about protecting my family and home from injury or damage. Whatever your reasons may be, exterior garage lighting is definitely most helpful when installed both outdoors and indoors , with timers allowing them to turn on at appropriate times (such as darkness). A timer also ensures batteries will be replaced less often, since they won’t lose power from constant charging throughout the day.

Let’s look at some exterior garage lighting ideas.

Exterior garage lighting ideas

1. Wall mounted motion-sensor lights:

These are excellent for adding to the outside of garages, sheds, or similar outbuildings. They can be installed so that they go on with just a small amount of motion detected, which is essential because you don’t want them to waste energy by turning on with every little movement in front of them – including trees swaying in the wind! Plus these are great for anyone who stays out late into the night but hits the sack early in morning hours. They will only turn on once it’s dark enough outdoors for someone to walk near your exterior garage lights.

2. LED exterior garage lights:

If you want your garage lights to last as long as possible, using LED bulbs is the way to go. They will save you money on your electric bill and save energy.

Motion activated exterior garage lights: These are a great choice if you’re not interested in having to remember to turn on and off your exterior garage lighting, or if you want to save even more energy than with a timer alone. Plus they can be adjusted so that they only seem ‘on’ when someone needs them – which means more saved energy!

Exterior Garage Lighting Ideas You Might Like

I hope this article has been helpful for anyone researching exterior garage light fixtures. There are some really neat options available these days above what was previously available! I know there are a lot of exterior garage lighting ideas out there, and it can be hard to find the best one suited for your personal needs. Knowing how much electricity exterior garage lights use is also helpful when making the decision as to whether or not you wish to install them.

The exterior of any structure is the façade that can make or break a home. It’s important to take as much care with your exterior as you would an interior. If your house number is hard to find, it could give burglars early notice that you aren’t home.

Durable material                

In general, lighting pieces should be made from durable material and have been designed for the season in which they will be used. For example, a lighted snowman might not hold up outside through a summer rainstorm, but a large urn on a pedestal placed at the corner of your yard may do just fine for several seasons.

For more information on garage metal cabinets check out Pinnacle Hardware.

Garden lamps:

Now that you have been inspired by those charming exterior garden lamps, chic building lights and all those other great outdoor decorative lighting fixtures presented above, let’s see what you can do with them. In case you want to decorate your front porch for Halloween, there are plenty of ways you can use outdoor decors. If you want to light up a restaurant, then maybe it’s time to order an exterior wall lamp or two.

You just never know how many ideas may pop into your head as soon as you look at one of these outside home decorations. Now go ahead and read some more outdoor light fixture reviews! Who knows, maybe there is a special style waiting for you!

Interior garage lighting ideas:

Before you start hanging up all of your new exterior lighting fixtures, you are going to want to make sure that they are placed in locations that are safe. You should always consider where the wiring is placed and how much weight each fixture can hold. You don’t want your lamps to come crashing down on anyone so it’s best if you use outdoor rated fixtures. Many people put their lamps on a standard timer because this allows them to go about their business without having to worry about turning them off. There are also some better alternatives out there for people who no longer want to mess with timers or power cords.

You may be surprised by how much light these small exterior lights can give off once they have been hung up and turned on. If you have an area in your house that you would like to light up, but the window is not the best place for it, then putting a spotlight or security light can give off enough brightness to accomplish what you want. The only downside to this method is that these lights can attract bugs if they are kept facing toward something such as a patio door or outside dining room table.


The lighting in your garage should be considered. In order to choose a product, you should consider its functionality first and foremost. If you can do it stylishly, kudos to you! It is essential to have lighting in your garage, regardless of whether you only use it for parking your cars or whether it also serves as a storage and work area.

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