The Lean and Fit Guide: Techniques for Achieving Sustainable Weight Loss

Weight loss isn’t a one size fits all process. There are many factors that determine how a person should lose weight, how long it should take on average, and what methods should be used in losing weight. Chasing after every fad diet does not lead to long term weight loss and can cause weight gain in the long run. That is why it is crucial to have a weight loss plan that is fit for your body, metabolism, all while being realistic. However, there are many effective weight loss techniques to lose weight and tone your body. From exercising more often, eating a healthy diet, sleeping well, and more, you can achieve sustainable weight loss. Follow this lean and fit guide for strategies that will help you achieve a weight loss goal and keep the pounds off for good.

Healthy Eating

Examining your diet is one of the first places to start when trying to achieve sustainable weight loss. The food you eat is the number one factor that determines how your body processes calories, carbs, sugars, etc. If your diet is composed of highly processed foods along with excess sugar and carbs, there is a high chance these are the leading causes for weight gain. Highly processed foods are refined, have little to no valuable nutrition, and can cause serious health issues such as diabetes, depression, colon and other cancers, and many more critical health complications.

To combat weight gain from unhealthy eating habits, it’s high time to start replacing bad food choices with healthier alternatives. Get rid of highly processed chips, deli meats, sugar sweets, and cut down on carbs. A decrease in these foods alone will help your body start the process of being more lean and fit, especially when coupled with regular exercise.

Eat foods that are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutritious compounds. Healthy foods include vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. Food items such as wild salmon, wild berries, and healthy oils and fats that are unrefined are a good place to start. Eating healthy isn’t exciting at the get go, but as your body begins feeling better, your motivation to continue will kick in. Seeing the results is worth it.

Meal Planning

Meal planning is a great way to avoid eating unhealthy food. Plan your meals 5-7 days ahead of time. Go to the grocery store and buy all the necessary ingredients. Choose one day out of the week in which you will meal prep. Cook your meals and portion them out into eco-friendly glass dishes that you can store in the fridge. In doing so, you can avoid unnecessary and unhealthy snacking during the day. You can also avoid ordering out at a fast food restaurant when you’re tired after a long day at home, work, or school, because you have a prepped meal ready to eat.


Peptides are small strings of amino acids or simply put, mini versions of proteins. According to experiments and research conducted on mice, the peptide Fragment 176-191  was shown to have many positive effects on weight management. The studies showed that obese mice lost weight and that the mice with normal weights were able to maintain their healthy weight . Even though scientists continue their efforts in finding how effective peptides are in achieving sustainable weight loss, the future looks promising.


Exercise, in addition to healthy eating habits, is a powerful and effective technique in achieving sustainable weight loss. As you build your endurance in physical fitness, your body will begin transforming by building lean muscle mass through strength training exercises. Start small by participating in some form of physical activity at least 3-5 days a week.

Don’t make a mountain out of molehill when it comes to getting in a workout. You don’t have to join a gym right away, or at all if you don’t want to. Instead, start in your home, walk in your neighborhood, and ask a friend to join you. As you build your stamina you can try new workouts that may be more challenging.

Get Enough Sleep

The recommended amount of sleep each night is around 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Sleep promotes many health building processes to take place during a night of rest and leads to more energy and a stronger metabolism. Getting enough sleep is vital in achieving sustainable weight loss.

Start getting the proper amount of sleep each night by setting positive sleep routines each night. This includes shutting off all electronic devices at least an hour before bed time. Make sure your room is cool and dark. Lastly, don’t drink water before bed as frequent night waking will occur from a need to urinate making it harder to fall back asleep.

Sustainable Weight Loss You can achieve sustainable weight loss by following these simple techniques. As you make a regular habit out of sleeping well, eating right, exercising, and exploring peptide use, you can renew your health and stay fit and lean. As always it is best to be under the supervision of an experienced healthcare provider before starting any major dietary and physical activity changes.

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