Meta Tags Optimisation Tutorial

Do you want a higher position for your website in search engine results? Then the best method is to use Meta tags correctly.

Because 95% of search engine visitors only look at the top 20 search results, it is important to rank your website as high as possible.

Popular search engines Infoseek and AltaVista created a number of meta tags to help their search engines index web pages; most now use meta tags to crawl pages.

Meta tags should be used if you want your website to be indexed.

Meta tags go in the head of your web page, in-between the HTML tags, <head> and </head>.

Although you can use a variety of Meta tags, the most crucial ones are the Description and Keywords Meta tags, as well as having a title for the website.


The document head should also contain the page’s title, which is the most important “non-content” element of the page because it is given the most weight by search engines. Keep this within 60 characters and put your most important keywords first. If you have a company or brand name, it is often ideal to include it after the most significant keywords on your website.

<title>Meta Tags Optimisation Tutorial – Web Wiz SEO Article</title>


This tag is commonly utilized by search engines for the description of your web page. It does not affect your web page’s ranking or indexing, so think of it as an advertisement for your website and write your description as a brief ad of under 160 characters to attract readers to view your page.

meta name= “description” content=”


Improve the title and description of your website with a list of keywords separated by commas that people would type into a search engine when looking for a website like yours to help it rise in the rankings. Other search engines utilize keywords and meta tags to assist index your website even though Google ignores them.

Tips on how to optimize your Meta Tags to get your website higher in search engine results.” />

<meta name=”keywords” content=”meta tags,tutorial,training,HTML” />


This allows the website to be classified as kid-friendly or not. The categories are General, Mature, Restricted, and 14 years.

<meta name=”rating” content=”general” />

Even though the remaining tags aren’t required, I’ll go over them still.


This is used to identify the author of a specific web page.

<meta name=”author” content=”Ideaststack” />


Any copyright information that the website may have is displayed in this one.

<meta name=”copyright” content=”2014, Ideastack ” />


Responsible webmasters use this meta tag to inform search engines that a page has expired and should be taken off the search engine’s directory. Never or a date in the day, month, and year format, such as June 28, 2003, are two options for setting it.

<meta name=”expires” content=””never“/>


This tells the search engine who the page is for and can be set to global, for everyone, local, regional sites, or IU, for Internal Use.

<meta name=”distribution” content=””global” />


This Meta tag informs the search engine whether or not you want the web page to be indexed. This Meta tag should only be used if you DO NOT want your website to be indexed. The values for this tag are:–

index(default)Index the page
noindexDon’t index the page
nofollowDon’t index any pages hyper-linked to this page
noneSame as “noindex, nofollow”

<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, nofollow” />

Meta Tags Example

Here’s a website tags example of a document’s head that includes Meta tags for search engines and a web page title:

<head><title>Meta Tags Optimisation Tutorial – Ideastack SEO Article</title>
<meta name=” description” content=” Tips on how to optimize your Meta Tags to get your website higher in search engine results.” />
<meta name=”keywords” content=”meta tags, tutorial, training, HTML” />
<meta name=”rating” content=”general” />
<meta name=”copyright” content=”2014,Ideastack” />
<meta name=”revisit-after” content=”31 Days” />
<meta name=”expires” content=”never“>
<meta name=”distribution” content=”global” />
<meta name=”robots” content=”index” />


Meta Description is an important technique for attracting traffic since it functions as bait to engage users. The user doesn’t choose whether or not to click on the page until after reading it. Visit Ideastack to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is meta tag optimization?

Meta tags in the HTML of the document provide information about the webpage. Although it is not visible on the page itself, this data is referred to as “metadata,” and search engines and web crawlers can read it.

Q2. How do you optimize tags?

  • Where title tags appear.
  • Optimize your title tag formatting.
  • Give each page a unique title.
  • Put your most relevant keywords first.
  • Be aware of the title tag length.
  • Take advantage of branding opportunities.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing your title tags.

Q3. How many types of meta tags are in SEO?

  • Meta keywords attribute
  • Title tag
  • Meta description attribute
  • Meta robots attribute

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