Maintaining Oral Health While Using Clear Aligners

There is a purpose for each and every tooth. Problems may arise, though, if your teeth are crook, have gaps between them, or are not aligne properly. The Invisalign treatment and invisalign aligners consists of a set of transparent, removable, custom-made aligners that are design to gradually and gently move your teeth into the desired position.

For aligners to be successful, they must be worn for between 20 and 22 hours each day and well maintain. Patients who do not properly care for their teeth or their aligners run the risk of developing oral health problems including cavities, the formation of plaque and tartar, and even gum disease.

Maintain a High Standard of Oral Hygiene

You must adhere to proper dental hygiene practice regularly. This involves cleaning your teeth for at least two minutes each time, twice a day, and then flossing afterwards. When invisalign aligners are worn, they provide a barrier that prevents saliva from getting between your teeth. Throughout the day, it is the saliva in your mouth that is responsible for helping to clean your teeth and gums.

Because the aligners operate as a barrier between the saliva in your mouth and your teeth, germs may rapidly accumulate on your teeth and in your aligners, which can contribute to future oral health issues like cavities.

You must clean your aligners every time you wash your teeth to avoid food and bacteria build-up that may generate a foul odour and cause yellow stains on the aligners. If you don’t clean your aligners properly, they will get stain and smell awful.

For dental hygiene consultation, visit our Invisalign clinic in Berkshire today!

Drink only water while your aligners are in your mouth

Consuming acidic drinks or anything other than plain water (not sparkling water) may add to oral health problems such as cavities and tooth decay. Plain water is the only beverage that does not contribute to these risks. There is a risk that liquids will leak below your aligners and get lodg between your teeth. Your saliva is essential for removing acidic substances from your teeth, which helps protect the enamel from being worn away.

However, your aligners form a barrier between your teeth and your saliva, so whatever you drink cannot be adequately wash away. This raises your chance of acquiring oral health difficulties and increases the likelihood that you will already have them.

Before placing your aligners in your mouth, give them a rinse

Before you put your aligners back on your teeth for the second time, you should ideally remove all of the plaque and food particles that have accumulated on your teeth. If you don’t, all of the food and germs that are on your teeth will be trape between your aligners and your teeth.

This may result in stains being left behind on both your teeth and your aligners, as well as in foul breath and an increase risk of cavities. After each meal, you should do your best to clean your teeth by brushing them or, at the very least, by rinsing your mouth out with water.

How many times per day should I wash my teeth if I am using aligners?

Before inserting the aligners back into your mouth after eating any meal or snack, you are require to wash your teeth thoroughly. If we were not wearing aligners, we could get away with just chewing some minty gum after meals, but since we are, we need to take the additional step of brushing our teeth after every meal.

The aligners are design to apply pressure to your teeth in an exact way.

It is necessary to thoroughly clean the surfaces of the teeth to exert the appropriate stresses on them. After each meal, you should wash your teeth and give them a good cleaning to remove food and plaque buildup. If you wear your aligners while eating, you risk damaging them and halting the movement of your teeth, which will slow down your overall development.

How should I clean and maintain the freshness of my dental aligners?

If you’ve been scratching your head and wondering things like, “Why do my aligners have a funny odour?” We can provide you with an answer. It is important to develop a regimen for caring for your aligners, just as you do for your teeth. When you take the aligners out of your mouth, you should clean them with a gentle toothbrush and little water after each use.

A plaque will be remove from the invisible aligners, and then they will be clean and prepare to be worn once again. On the other hand, the natural bacteria and plaque buildup that may occur over time might make it challenging to clean with simply water.

When I clean my teeth, can I use toothpaste on my aligners?

Toothpaste was design to be use on teeth, whether the end goal is to maintain good dental hygiene or just to provide the appearance of whiter teeth. However, it may have a different impact on aligners, particularly whitening toothpaste, which might cause your clear aligners to become foggy. Because of this, we do not suggest that you use whitening toothpaste to clean your aligners.

When it comes to cleaning aligners, can I use hand soap?

The correct response is “yes.” as long as it does not have a colour or a smell since this might potentially cause your invisible aligners to get stain. Scrubbing them is another thing you should stay away from since it has the potential to scrape and damage your aligners. 

Want to know about invisalign costs berkshire? Talk to our team today to know more about 0% APR payment plans.

Wrapping Up

During the time that you are undergoing treatment, our Invisalign dentist in Berkshire will be present to answer any concerns that you may have about how to keep your teeth and aligners in good oral health. Please get in contact with us, and we would be happy to address any problems you may have. Please get in touch with us as soon as possible to organise your FREE consultation.

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