A Comprehensive Guide About How To Get Rid Of Ant Hills?

Expert pest control specialists have put together a guide for removing ant hills from your property, based on the solutions and methods. You can be assured that anthills and the ant population will be exterminated successfully if you follow this guide and use the recommended products. If you have a small number of ants in the outdoor area of your home, it is not a big deal, but if the ants start moving into the interior of your home, then you should take action.

There can be a lot of ants on your property, and they usually hide in anthills. Anthills are sometimes easy to find since they appear as large mounds on your lawn. They can be hard to locate at other times because they are hidden away in the corner of the house. The colony of carpenter ants may be hiding somewhere indoors, such as a void in a wall or a corner of a basement. The following are ways to destroy ant hills that we will share with you. Pesticides and home remedies are used in combination. To learn how to get rid of ant infestations on your property, keep reading.


In the world, ants are among the most commonly encountered household pests. Ant hills are the most apparent indication of an ant infestation, other than seeing ants crawling across your lawn or ants appearing in droves to consume food or sweets you dropped. In the Southern United States, fire ants are among the most common ants that form ant hills. You will quickly discover that your yard will become a minefield of aggressive, stinging fire ants if you deal with fire ants.

Once the queen has mated, an anthill usually appears. The ant queen creates a safe environment for the colony to thrive in just a few days after mating, by immediately laying eggs. The anthill expands as the ants build tunnels that gradually become pathways, chambers, and exits as they grow larger. As a result of the size of the whole network, eliminating it can be an incredibly difficult process.


You can then schedule an inspection after identifying ant hills on your property. Check for ant activity and look for ant trails. Check to see if there are multiple mounds. Your pesticide applications can be targeted accordingly based on this information.

How to find it?

When food is abundant nearby, ant hills form; if you fail to keep up with regular cleaning and decluttering your home, ants will build ant mounds near the nest to travel to and from it to forage inside your home. Ants do this by releasing pheromones that mark ant trails. To get to a food source and return, ants follow a pheromone trail all the way.

When ant hills are set up in your yard, they are usually very visible. In some cases, they may be tucked away in a secluded area. You can follow ant trails to find their ant hills by observing them closely and following them as they move along.

How to get rid of ant hills?

Infestations of ants can be significantly reduced and demolished when ant hills are removed. There are many ways to destroy an anthill, and here are eight of the most effective methods we’ve gathered. Whether you use a pesticide or a natural method to get rid of ant hills depends on your preference.

1. Boil the water

You can try boiling water right away as it is an easy and effective solution. A kettle of water should be boiled, and then poured over the anthill. In this maze of tunnels, water trickles slowly through and floods the colony. The heat of the water kills any ants that come into contact with it. Additionally, the extreme temperatures will result in the tunnels themselves being destroyed as well.

Often, the problem cannot be solved in one fell swoop, despite what it may seem. This method has the drawback that if ants are buried much more profound, they will have enough time to get out. It is likely that, if there are any survivors, you will observe evidence of ants trying to rebuild their colonies after a few days.

2. D-Fence Dust

A cloud of dust such as D-Fence Dust can be applied to cracks, crevices, and entry points to homes and structures to prevent insects from entering. Pests hide in hard-to-reach places, so treating them is the best course of action. Nevertheless, you can use D-Fence Dust if you discover fire ant mounds in your yard.

D-Fence Dust (approximately one tablespoon) should be sprinkled over the top of the ant mounds when the temperature is between 65 and 80 degrees F. The dust should not be disturbed or watered in. Allow the dust to work for three to four days for maximum control. Whenever you are measuring out the dust, make sure you do not use active utensils used in the food preparation.

3. Flattening the Dust

A rake can be used to remove an anthill made and completely flatten out the ground to eliminate the entrance to the hive if the anthill is very solid. In this way, many ants will become upset, and they’ll realize the area is not safe to live in. However, the ants will rebuild afterward, so you’ll need to remain persistent for some time before they realize the area is permanently unsafe. As a bare minimum, this would be the best way to avoid chemicals.

Read More: How To Get Rid Of Fire Ants? The Step-by-Step Guide

4. Bifen LP Granules for Outside Use

Bifen LP Granules are granular insecticides that effectively control large ant infestations around the home. They are labeled for treating many different ants species. Specifically targeting worker ants foraging in your backyard for food, Bifen LP has a residual effect that lasts for up to 3 months. Bifen LP can be applied by broadcasting granules over the entire yard. You should not just treat the mound. Otherwise, the ants will make a new mound.

Using either the Plantmates Scatterbox or a push spreader, you could broadcast the Bifen LP Granules. While both types of spreaders are easy to use, a broadcast spreader is better for large lawns since it can cover more ground faster and has more granules than a hand spreader. A Plantmates Scatterbox hand spreader is perfect if you need to apply granules on a flowerbed, around trees, or if you need to cover a smaller area quickly.

The first thing you need to do is measure the area of your yard (length x width). 2.3 pounds of Bifen LP are applied per 1,000 square feet of lawn. You will need to adjust the amount of Bifen LP you need to put in your spreader based on the final square footage measurement. Bifen LP can be spread on your entire lawn, flower beds, around trees, and anywhere that you see ants. Water the area after broadcasting the granules to activate them for adequate control.


There is one houseguest you can do without ants. Ants are invaders indoors, getting into your items and causing havoc. When you accidentally disturb their nest while playing lawn games or gardening, they can wreak havoc on your family. When it comes to removing ants, just because they are small doesn’t mean they’re easy.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Tips to Remove Pests from your House then visit our Home Improvement category.


  • What is the best way to get rid of ant mounds?

Apply the ant-killer pesticide (granular, dust/powder, or liquid form), following instructions on the label.

  • Then, why are there so many anthills on my lawn?

In addition to food, water, and shelter, ants also need shelter.

  • Does my yard have ant mounds?

An infected area can be treated with a spray of 3 percent dish soap and water. Diatomaceous earth and borax water sprays are other possible treatments.

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