Healhy Winter Foods You Should Introduce To Your Diet For The Upcoming Cold Months

As the days get shorter and colder, it can be harder to stay active and healthy. Many people find themselves spending more time indoors, away from sunlight and fresh air, leaving them feeling down. The right dietary choices can help combat this. Learn which foods you should add to your menu this winter.

Vitamin-D Rich Foods

Vitamin-D production in the body is often associated with getting enough sun exposure, so it makes sense that you may lack it during the winter months. You spend your days inside and those electric lights won’t do much for you. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a lack of Vitamin-D is associated with anxiety and depression. This may be why you feel those “winter blues.”

Try eating more salmon and tuna this winter since both naturally have Vitamin-D. Eggs are another solid source. Many foods are also fortified with this vitamin, including some cereals, juices and milk. 

Foods That Will Boost Your Mood

If you love being outside, winter may be a hard time for you. While you wait for the days to warm up, keep your mood higher with foods that give you a boost. Oatmeal, beans, and nuts are all known to help your mood throughout the day.

You can also improve your mood by getting rid of that sluggish feeling in your body that comes when you haven’t been eating the best. A cleanse is a good place to start. Choose between Mega Clean vs XXtra Clean for a detox that will give you back your energy.

Drinks That Will Warm You

Winter is the perfect time to sit down with a hot mug of your favorite drink and relax. You can add a health kick to your cup by going with green tea, chai tea or a nice cup of coffee. The teas contain a lot of great nutrients to help you feel your best while the coffee can boost your energy.

There are plenty of cocktails to taste during this time of year as well, from hot toddies to warm ciders and mulled wine. Enjoy these in moderation to stay healthy. When you find yourself overindulging, learn to recognize the most common hangover symptoms and treatments to get back on track.

Simple and Healthy Meals

Another key to eating well during the winter is finding simple meals that combine a lot of healthy ingredients. This is why soup is such a popular choice for a Winter foods. Grab your favorite vegetables, add them to a flavorful broth and add a bit of protein and you have a one-pot meal that isn’t full of oil or added fats. Roasting root vegetables is another easy way to eat well all winter.

Taking care of your health can look a bit different during the winter. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t live well through the colder months. Start by looking for foods that give you the nutrients you need, add a few mood-boosting snacks and make simple meals to feel good. For an extra health bonus, check out Detoxify drink reviews and see if a winter cleanse is right for you.

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