Foods are Good and Bad for the Kidneys

Kidneys are two organs that work their magic in the lower abdomen. These organs play a huge part in keeping the body in a healthy shape. One important thing to focus on here is the food that we consume. It does play a very important role in keeping the kidneys healthy. 

Some foods work like magic and do help in keeping the function of the kidneys going. On the other hand, some foods do impact the normal functioning of the kidneys, declining their function. 

To keep a track of kidney function, sometimes a urine test is performed. Urine test price in Pakistan is quite affordable to be conducted. The kidneys filter out all the waste from the blood and send them out from the body. They are also great for balancing the fluid and electrolyte levels in the body. 

Foods to Eat

Foods that are recommended to be taken in order to keep the kidneys healthy include: 

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are quite similar to white potatoes but they have a lot of fiber in them if comp[ared to white potatoes. This can help a lot in breaking them in the body. This also results in a spike in insulin. 

 Sweet potatoes are also full of potassium which helps in balancing the levels of sodium in the body and reduces the impacts of sodium in the body. 

Now, sweet potato is full of potassium which means that anyone with Chronic Kidney Disease or someone on dialysis must avoid the limit as it can limit the intake of this vegetable. 

Fatty Fish

Cold water fatty fish like tuna and salmon and other fatty fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids can be a great addition to the diet. Our body is not trained to make Omega-3 fatty acids on its own. This means that there needs to be food took that provides you the needed omega-3 fatty acids.

So, try to incorporate fatty fish into your diet in order to take Omega-3 fatty acids. Some studies also suggest that reducing fat levels in the blood also lowers blood pressure. As high blood pressure is a risk factor for kidney diseases, it is very important to find natural ways that can lower the blood pressure to help the kidney function. 

Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and chard are foods that are high in minerals, fibers, and vitamins. A lot of green vegetables are full of antioxidants. 

These foods are also high in potassium and this is the reason why it is not suitable for the patients that are suffering from chronic kidney disease or are going through dialysis. 

Try and incorporate green foods in your diet as much as you can in order to stay healthy and fit. 

Foods to Avoid

There are some foods that must be avoided at all costs as these can impact the kidneys pretty badly instead of improving their function. The foods that you must avoid at all costs include: 

Red Meat

Some of the proteins needed in the body can be really hard for the kidneys to process. So, it is best to stay away from foods that can impact the kidneys badly. 

Some of the studies suggest that people who eat a lot of red meat are at a higher risk of end-stage kidney disease. However, there is still a need for a lot of researc to back these studies. Make sure to stay away from red meat as much as you can as it can have other adverse effects on the health. 

Phosphorus-Rich Foods

Phosphorus if taken in large amounts can put stress on the kidneys. A number of research pieces show a correlation between a higher risk of long-term kidney damage and a high intake of phosphorus.

However, there is not enough research to prove that phosphorus causes damage to the kidneys, so this is why a lot more research is needed in this matter. 

For people concerned about their phosphorus intake, avoid foods like: 

  • Seeds
  • Dairy products
  • Nuts
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Legumes

The top urologist in Lahore says that it is essential to avoid such foods as these can be a threat to the health of the kidneys. 

If you are someone suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease, then try taking foods like garlic, cabbage and cauliflower in your diet as it can add a lot to your kidney health and overall health of the body. 


Kidney health is very important as kidneys play a very important role of filtering out the waste from the body. So, try and incorporate the food options mentioned above as these can make a huge difference. If you have serious kidney issues that need assistance from a dietitian and other doctors, then it’s a recommendation to visit the doctor as soon as you can in order to keep the kidneys working. 

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