Dark Spot On Toenail: Causes, Treatment And All Other Info

Toenails naturally have a white hue. There are occasions when discoloration can be caused by nail polish or nutritional deficiencies, infections, or even trauma. Various causes can cause a dark spot on the toenail, and some will disappear independently. If your nail isn’t getting better, you’ll have to consult your physician to determine if there is an even more serious cause for the black toenail.

Dark Spot On Toenail

A dark spot on the toenail can indicate various underlying conditions, ranging from a simple bruise to a fungal infection. It is important to pay attention to any changes in the appearance of your toenails, especially if the dark spot is accompanied by other symptoms such as thickening or discoloration of the nail.

In some cases, the spot may be due to an injury, but it could also be a sign of a more serious condition such as melanoma, a skin cancer that can affect the nails. Suppose you are concerned about a dark spot on your toenail. In that case, it is best to seek the advice of a healthcare professional who can diagnose the underlying cause and recommend an appropriate course of treatment.

Why does the toenail have a dark spot?

The black toenail could be the result of:

  • A medical condition could cause anemia and diabetes, heart disease, or kidney disease.
  • Fungal diseases While these often appear white or yellow, fungal infections may cause dark spots on toenails due to the accumulation of debris. Your toenails are the most susceptible to fungal infections since they thrive in moist and warm conditions.
  • Melanoma is the most severe form of skin cancer and is often seen in a brown, dark, distorted spot. The spots can also be found under the nail bed.
  • Injuries usually cause trauma to the toenail can cause blood vessels under the nail to rupture. The resultant bleeding beneath the nail appears to be black.
  • The blood beneath the nail is an under-cut hematoma, a bloody area under the nail. There are numerous reasons you might experience bleeding under the nail. But before you panic, the majority of them are not severe and similar to bruises on the skin.

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For instance, an injury from an impact like when your toe is stepped on during a game or dropping something weighty on your foot, scrubbing your toe while wearing tight shoes that press against your toes, wearing your nails long enough that they’re constantly pushing against the sole of the shoe, and other similar examples.

Depending on the extent of the bleeding area and the location, you could lose your nail. In the event of this, it’s most likely that your pin will regenerate with no damage, but as toenails develop slowly, it could take between 9 and 18 months.

What is the best time to see your doctor?

A black nail doesn’t need to need a visit to a doctor, they need to seek medical attention is contingent upon the underlying reason. Understanding the root cause will assist you in making this choice. If, however, you’re not sure about the reason, it’s best to visit your doctor in case the black nail may be an indication of a medical issue that is serious. Some cases of nail fungus need a visit to a doctor. If you have diabetes, you must consult your physician for treatment.

A dermatologist may also be able to detect and treat black nail problems. It is recommended to consult an experienced dermatologist if you suspect you may have that you have melanoma. If, however, the black nail is the result of a different health problem, like diabetes, you’ll have to visit your primary physician to address the root cause. If your black toenail does not go away needs to be evaluated by a physician. If you’re worried about your black toenail and do not have a dermatologist on staff, you can find the dermatologists in your area using this Healthline Find Care tool.

Could a dark spot on the toenail cause problems?

If you don’t treat it, nail fungus can cause foot fungus to spread to your feet and even to other parts of your body. It could also lead to permanent damage to your nails. The cause of complications can be toenail cancer which is mistaken for trauma-induced black toenails. It’s crucial to visit your physician if you see any black spots that could be spreading across your nail or aren’t getting rid of, even though your toenail is growing.

Melanoma typically presents as a dark brown to black, irregularly shaped spot, though it can also take the form of a long, dark stripe running through the nail if it develops close to or under the toenails. The skin around the toes may also appear darker if they have melanoma.

 You should visit your doctor to ensure you don’t have anything more serious, like melanoma if the black spots under your toenail did not develop due to a physical injury or a visible nail infection.

What are the treatment options for dark spots on toenails?

Toe infections caused by fungal infections can be treated at home if caught early. Ointments available at the pharmacy, creams, and polishes generally work. In severe cases, you may need prescription antifungal medication. If you have a nail that is black due to injuries, then the bleeding from blood vessels will fade once your nail has grown. A black toenail due to trauma due to an injury generally heals by itself without any treatment. However, if your toenail develops and appears dark, it could be due to an underlying root. Toenail discoloration due to diabetes and other health issues requires treatment for the underlying cause.

What are the chances of getting a black nail?

If you have a black toenail, the outlook is mainly dependent on the root of the symptoms. For trauma cases, fungal infections have the best chance of a positive outcome. Damaged nails will grow back in these situations, and fungal infections could be treated at home.

A black toenail resulting from melanoma and various other health ailments are symptoms. The likelihood of a cure for such cases is contingent on how quickly you address the root cause.

How do you avoid dark spots on toenails?

Cleaning your nails and keeping them dry can reduce the causes of a dark spot on the toenail. Also, you can ensure that you are taking care to avoid injury to your toenails. This means wearing closed-toe shoes during work so that dropped objects don’t injure your nails. Properly fitting shoes for exercises (especially running) can help prevent injuries to the toes.

If you are concerned about other underlying causes that are not related to the underlying cause, you must consider other precautions. Limiting sun contact to the feet and using sunscreen around your toes could aid in preventing the development of melanoma. Toenails with black spots attributed to other medical problems are preventable with the correct treatment and treatment of the condition that causes it.

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